
miercuri, 9 octombrie 2013

Ziua Europeană a Limbilor 2013/European Day of Languages 2013

Activitatea s-a desfăşurat la Colegiul Economic Buzău şi a urmărit dezvoltarea competenţelor de comunicare în limba engleză şi implicit creşterea încrederii în sine prin activităţi extracurriculare. După discuţii despre semnificaţia Zilei Europene a Limbilor/European Day of Languages, câţiva elevi au prezentat diplomele obţinute la concursurile de limba engleză la care au participat în ultimul an, şi anume Concursul Naţional „Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe”, Concursul Naţional „Olimpiadele Cunoaşterii”, Concursul Naţional de Creaţie Literară „Ion Creangă”. S-au folosit limbile engleză, română şi limbajul semnelor. După aceea elevii au lucrat pe grupe formate din copii de la Liceul Tehnologic Special pentru Copii cu Deficienţe Auditive Buzău şi elevi de la Colegiul Economic la realizarea unor postere şi afişe pe tema Ziua Europeană a Limbilor 2013.

30 de comentarii:

  1. Alexandra Iordache15 octombrie 2013 la 22:17

    Today it was very special. We spent very nice moments with children from the Special High School . We made drawings together and we felt great. Everything was perfect from my point of view . The drawing that we made was about European Day of Languages.

  2. Together with children to the Special High School , we made some beautiful and expressive drawings about to European Day of Languages . Also we do photos and we had fun working on these boards .

  3. In this activity we worked with the deaf students from the Special High School on the ocasion of European Day of Languages. I made a cute drawing with a deaf student named Izabela. It was wonderful for me!

  4. At this activity we drew together with the deaf childrean posters for the ''European Day of Languages ''. This activity was very fun !

  5. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  6. Together with the deaf students we drew a poster about "European Day of Languages". We drew and colored together, we laughted and had fun. In the end we took pictures. :-)

  7. Isvoranu Georgiana15 octombrie 2013 la 23:20

    It was a beautiful activity .We made drawings with children from the Special High School about the European Day of Languages .

  8. In today activity we spoke about "European Day of Languages" with the deaf children. We drew a few drawings and posters. Some classmates read information about International Language Day. The teachers took lot of photo. This activity was very intresting !

  9. This day was very special and very beautiful.Why?Because I met again some deaf students.They are so simple and poor,and we drew together some nice pictures about "European Day of Languages

  10. Together with children from the Special High School I made some drawings, it was team work, it was great. We had fun and I learnt new interesting things about European Langueges Day.

  11. It was very nice. We made with the deaf children posters and drawings about European Day of Languages. We will participate with them at contests and maybe we will win the prizes.

  12. Today it was very nice. We made some beautiful drawing about to European Day of Languages. I also did a lot of photos. I liked.

  13. Me together with four coleggses of mine and some children from the Special High School, drew some drawings on a Duplex Poster, where we drew the Earth with children who spoke different languages but who understood each other. We drew the piramid of languages for most spokeng languages.

  14. We drew together with the children from the Special High School posters referring to European Day of Languages. The activity was interesting!

  15. This day wasvery beautiful. We and the deaf children made drawings with people eho spoke a lot of different languages. The deaf children made very interesting drawings and we and them took photos with our drawings and our teacher class, teacher of Enghlish, teachers from the Special High School and the school manager Mrs. Emilia Bodea

  16. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  17. I mas impressed by the deaf children from the Special High school, they made a good job and they drew some beautiful drawings about the European Day of Languages.

  18. It was an fun, beautiful and interesting activity. We drew together with the deaf children from the Special High School posters referring to European Day of Languages.

  19. We draw together a poster about the European Day of Languages.I was amazed by the ideas they had, and in the end we took pictures with the posters.

  20. Today the students from the Special School came to the Economic College and we draw nice pictures related to the European Day of Leanguages. This activity was important for us, because we learnt how to apreciated the deafs students.

  21. Today activity was about the European Day of Languges. We, along with the deaf childrens from the Special School made drawings to show how people around the world speak more than their native language and how we can talk with people around the world in different languages. It was a very interestring acitivity.

  22. On The European Day of Languages we made some draws toghether with the deaf children about the languages of the world.I was very impressed because we colaborated very well with the deaf children.This was a wonderful activity

  23. With deaf childreen we made drawings about European Day of Languages .

  24. The activity of meeting the deaf children was fun and interesting.

  25. We made draws toghether with the deaf children from the Special School for European Day of Languages.It was a very nice activity.

  26. I made drawings with children with disabilities for the European Day of Languages.

  27. We made some drawings which significed the the Multilingual International Day 26 September. Three coleagues of mine translated and read some texts from Roumanian into English. After that we tiik some pictures with those deaf children and our teachers.

  28. On that day the students from the Special School came to the Economic College and we made drawings about the European Day of Languages.

  29. At the activity "The European Day of Languages" our class and the deaf children drew some nice drawings, and we had so much fun.

  30. in this activity we talked about the languages spoken in other countries and we drew drawings.
