
joi, 15 noiembrie 2012

Campania „Săptămâna legumelor şi a fructelor donate”/„The Week of the Donated Fruits and Vegetables” Campaign

Scopul campaniei „Săptămâna legumelor şi a fructelor donate”/ „The Week of the Donated Fruits and Vegetables” Campaign a fost formarea unei atitudini de toleranţă, de responsabilitate şi întrajutorare, prin sensibilizarea elevilor şi profesorilor din Colegiul Economic Buzău şi Şcoala Specială de Arte şi Meserii Buzău cu privire la situaţia dificilă a unor persoane defavorizate. Deşi nu este nevoie de un motiv anume pentru a ne aduce aminte de cei cu o situaţie financiară precară, de oamenii cărora puţine lucruri le mai aduc zâmbetul pe buze, iată că o asemenea ocazie a mobilizat elevii şi profesorii din cele două şcoli. Astfel, voluntarii au colectat bani destinaţi achiziţionării de legume şi fructe. Din banii strânşi au fost cumpărate mere, portocale, banane, mandarine, varză, morcovi, cartofi şi ceapă pentru cantină. Alimentele au fost distribuite la Complexul de Servicii Comunitare pentru Persoane Vârstnice „Alexandru Marghiloman” şi la Casa de Îngrijire Temporară Buzău. Apoi bătrânii şi elevii au primit dulciuri. 
Acţiunea s-a bucurat de succes, deoarece destinatarii produselor alimentare au fost impresionaţi şi mulţumiţi, iar elevii au învăţat să se implice în viaţa comunităţii sociale. În acest fel, campania „Săptămâna legumelor şi a fructelor donate”, desfăşurată în perioada 12-16 noiembrie 2012, a reprezentat pentru elevii celor două şcoli un prilej de a demonstra implicare şi generozitate.

31 de comentarii:

  1. It was the first time when I went and met old people there.

  2. It was first time at the elders of Marghiloman Complex and I was very happy that I could help and I make them smile.

  3. We went to old people and gave them fruits and vegetables.

  4. Alexandra Iordache2 octombrie 2013 la 12:17

    There was a very pleasant atmosphere .Ar old man was very happy.

  5. It vas very beautiful and emotional.

  6. I liked it because I could help elders.

  7. In that week we donated some fruits and vegetables to some old people. This experience was very touching.

  8. Was an action that made us happy knowing that we did something nice.

  9. We visited the elders from Marghiloman Complex. It's was emotional.

  10. For the first time I visited Marghiloman Complex and I was glad that I helped people.

  11. Rotaru Andreea J.3 octombrie 2013 la 12:24

    I like to make deeds.

  12. Isvoranu Georgiana4 octombrie 2013 la 12:35

    I liked to help these people.

  13. I enjoyed this because i've made others feel good.

  14. It was a nice activity and we donated fruits and vegetables to the old people.

  15. We were during '' The Week of the donated fruits and vegetables" Compaign to the Margiloman Old Hoise.

  16. Necula Alina Elena6 octombrie 2013 la 11:09

    It was a kind deed from us to go and to give fruits and vegetables to the old people from the asylum . I felt very well when I looked in to their happy eyes.

  17. It was the first time when I went at Marghiloman Complex. I donated fruits and vegetables for old people.

  18. I donated fruits to the old people and I was glad very much that I could help them.

  19. For me it was interesting but sad to see the elder enjoying the gifts that we them them.

  20. I donated fruits and vegetables to old people at Marghiloman Complex.

  21. It the first time wen I went at Marghiloman Complex. I liked the old people there. It was nice.

  22. Fruits and vegetables are very important for our bodies because they contain vitamins and even old people need them.

  23. It the first time wen I went at Marghiloman Complex and I was very impressed. I really liked this activity. :)

  24. I loved making the old people happy. They were so excited to see us, and I was so happy to bring a smile on their faces.

  25. The old people were excited by our visit, and so were the deaf children.

  26. Vegetables and fruits are very important for our health.

  27. The work was beautiful and we donated the old fruits and vegetables.

  28. "The Week of the Donated Fruits and Vegetables" was a good activity and I liked it.

  29. Vegetables and fruits are very healthy for ourlife.

  30. It was very nice. I liked the old people from Marghiloman Complex.

  31. We visited the old people in Marghiloman Complex and we gave them fruits and vegetables. They were very glad to see us.
