Excursie educativă la Vulcanii Noroioşi, Monumentul lui Mihai Viteazul de lângă
Ciuta, Muzeul Chihlimbarului de la Colţi, Mănăstirea Ciolanu, Tabăra de Sculptură
Măgura, Poiana Pinului. Activitatea a urmărit vizitarea unor obiective turistice, formarea unor
reprezentări despre relief, apă, vegetaţie, faună, cultivarea sentimentelor de
dragoste pentru frumuseţile, bogăţiile pământului românesc, formarea unui
comportament corect faţă de mediul înconjurător, formarea unor deprinderi de
comportare corectă, civilizată, de integrare în structura unui grup turistic. Excursia s-a desfăşurat cu sprijinul financiar al Primăriei Municipiului Buzău, care a donat 500 lei în acest scop, transportul fiind asigurat de
Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Sport şi Tineret Buzău.
I liked the Muddy Volcanoes and Chihlimbar Museum. And at Colti I liked vrey much the nature and the Amber Museum in Colti.
RăspundețiȘtergereI visited many tourist attraction in Buzau : Amber Museum in Colti , Ciolanu Monastary , Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta .
RăspundețiȘtergereWe went to Murddy Volcanoes,Amber Museum in Colti,Ciobanu Monostary,Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta and we were fascinated by them.
RăspundețiȘtergereThis trip was very beautiful.We visited:the muddy Volcans,the Manastery of Ciolanu and the Museum Ciltii.
RăspundețiȘtergereI visited new beautiful places ,like the Muddy Volcanoes,Amber Museum in Colti ,Ciolanu Monastary and Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe visited a few tourist attractions in Buzau and we most liked the Muddy Volcanoes, the Amber Museumin Colti ,Ciolanu Monastary, Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereIn Buzau the best tourist objectif are the Muddy Volcanoes.They are unique in Europe.Also there are more tourist objectives in Buzau as: the Amber Museum in Colti, Ciolanu Monastery, the Monument of Mihai Viteazu near Ciuta etc.
RăspundețiȘtergereBuzau city it is very beautiful and we made a journey to see its tourist attractions: Muddy Vulcanoes, Amber Museum in Colți, Ciolanu Monastary, Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereMy colleagues told me that they had visited:Muddy Volcanoes , Amber Museum in Colti, Ciolanu Monastary ,and Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta . And as they liked very much.
RăspundețiȘtergereI made a trip to Buzau County , where I saw the Muddy Vlcanoes , the Anber Museum in Colti , Ciolanu Monastary , Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta ,
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was a wonderful day when we visited sights in the county such as Muddy Volcanoes,Amber Museum,Ciolanu Monastery,Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta .
RăspundețiȘtergereDuring the program "School in a Different Way" we went on an excursion in our county,which gave me a better impression of exhibits.I liked very much the Museum of Amber that shining treasures.
RăspundețiȘtergereThis journey was beautiful and I liked very much Muddy Volcanoes and Ciolanu Monastary. We also visited Amber Museum in Colti and Mihai Viteazul Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe went to the Muddy Volcanous, the Amber Museumin in Colti, Ciolanu Monastery, Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta. I liked the sourist attractions in Buzau County!
RăspundețiȘtergereI was very surprised of all I saw in Buzau district. We visited the Chihlimbar museum and I remained pleasantly surprised of all I saw there , because I had never seen something, like that until then. Even if I had visitied before Vulcanii Noroiosi , that time was more interesting because I was with my fellows and we had a great time.
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was a beautiful experience because we had the opportunity to find out more about Buzau. I visited the Muddy Volcanes, the Amber Museum in Colti, Ciolanu Monastry and Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe visited some tourist objectives in Buzau county, like the Muddy Volcanoes, we went to Colti at the Amber Museum, and we took pictures at Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereI liked the tourist attractions in my county, especially the Muddy Volcanoes and Ciolanu Monastery. The weather was also beautiful.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe visit the Amber Museum and the church from Ciolanu . In the hus me sang and hard a lat of fun .
RăspundețiȘtergereToghether with the children from Special High School we went to visit tourist atractions in the county, as the Amber Museum, Murddy Volacoes or Ciolanu Monastery.
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was very fun, especially the Muddy Volcanoes, at the Amber Museum some things have changed in a good way, and at Ciolanu Monastery, I lighted a candle for my parents
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was a great trip with special children, it was fun and we admired alot of beautiful parts of our country like: Ciolanu Monastery Amber Museum and Murddy Volacoes.:)
RăspundețiȘtergereIn Buzau county we have the Muddy Volcanoes, the Amber Museum, Ciolanu Monastery and other beauties.
RăspundețiȘtergereIt was nice because we visited tourist attractions in Buzau: Amber Museum around the corner, Ciolanu Monastery, Michael the Brave Monument near Ciuta
RăspundețiȘtergereNu am mai fost la Muzeul Chihlimbarului de la Colti.
RăspundețiȘtergereI was at Ciolanu Monastery and the Muddy Volcanoes and I want to go there again.
RăspundețiȘtergereBuzau is a beautiful country and my class made a trip to see the tourist atraction. They visited Muddy Volcanoes, Ciolanu Monastery and Amber Museum in Colti.
RăspundețiȘtergereMy class visited the Mudy Volcanoes, Amber Museum in Colti, Ciolanu Monastery, Mihai Viteazu Monument near Ciuta with the class teacher and the English teacher,
RăspundețiȘtergereThis trip was very nice. We visited Mihai Viteazu Monument, the Muddy Volcanoes.
RăspundețiȘtergereWe went to the Muddy Volcanoes, the Amber Museum in Colti, Mihai Viteazu Monument, Ciolanu Monastery. It was beautiful.