
miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Cum să ne comportăm în caz de cutremur?/What Should We Do during an Earthquake?

Activitatea s-a desfăşurat în sala de clasă a elevilor Colegiului Economic Buzău. Pentru a-i conştientiza pe elevii antrenaţi în proiect cu privire la riscurile la care se pot expune în cazul producerii unui cutremur, reprezentantul Inspectoratului pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă „Neron Lupaşcu” al Judeţului Buzău i-a instruit şi pregătit privind modul de comportare în cazul producerii unui cutremur ce poate pune în pericol viaţa, bunurile materiale şi mediul înconjurător, discutând pe tema: Ce este un cutremur? Cum ne comportăm în caz de cutremur? Elevii au comentat cele prezentate, argumentându-şi punctele de vedere.

30 de comentarii:

  1. I learnt many things about earthquakes.

  2. In this activity we were told the rules you have to respect in case of an earth uake.

  3. A policeman reminded us the rules in case of an earthquate.

  4. I liked this experience.Through this project I learned many new things about earthquakes.

  5. Alexandra Iordache2 octombrie 2013 la 12:11

    I discovered how to defend myself in case of earthquake.

  6. We found out what we should do during an earthquake

  7. I learned many interesting things about an eartguake.

  8. To protect against an earthquake, a fireman taught us how to behave.

  9. In this activity were shown how to protect ourselves when an earthquacke takes place.

  10. We found out what we do an Earthquake.

  11. We were informed about how to behave in an earthquake.

  12. Rotaru Andreea J.3 octombrie 2013 la 12:18

    I this activity we found out about quakes.

  13. Isvoranu Georgiana4 octombrie 2013 la 12:27

    In the case of an earthquake we must keep calm and stay away from dangerous places .

  14. Again we gatheried the students from the Special High School and students had the opportunity to learn useful information about how we should behave in case of an earthquake.A specialist informed us about the causes of earthquakes,how dangerous they can be and how we can best deffent ourselves in the case of an earthquake.

  15. During an eartquake at school we need to stay close to the classmates.

  16. Necula Alina Elena6 octombrie 2013 la 10:53

    It was interesting because I learn things I didn't know about earthquakes.

  17. In this activity I meet a fireman. He taught us what we should do if an earhquake occured.

  18. We found good things we should do during an earthquake, measures that we need to take ad obey.

  19. A firefighter tought us how to react in case of on earth quake , we loarned things that can save our lives .

  20. There are reminded to us the most important rules in case of an earthquake.

  21. You need to be on alert every moment, because you never know when an earthquake might start

  22. This activity was the most interesting and useful. We learned what we have to do during an earthquake. We are now prepared for an earthquake and we will not panic. I liked that activity the most.

  23. We must be careful because we never know when an earthquake might start.

  24. It was interesting because I learned many things that might help in terms of earthquake

  25. I liked this experience. We were told what rules you have to respect in case of an earthquake.

  26. During an earthquake, if we are in class we should stay under the classroom desks, and when the earthquake ends, we should go outside.

  27. When there is a eatbquake we need to search for a safe place.

  28. This activity related to earthquakes was very interesting.

  29. In case of an earthquake, we must hide under the a desk or under the doorposts.
